Today is the 3rd of July 2024
Office of the Solcitor General | Certification Request
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Full Name
Mailing Address
Contact No.

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Details of the Request
Case Number
Case Title
Nature of Case
Document Type
Mode of Payment
Amount Paid
Proof of Payment
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Data Privacy Notice
The Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) collects some of your personal data when you transact with its employees and authorized representatives. This may include your name, mailing address, contact information, and government ID details. The OSG will use this information solely for documentation and processing purposes relative to your transaction/s with the Office.

Only authorized personnel are permitted to have access to the collected information. As the Data Subject, you have the right to be informed of the personal information being collected, processed, and stored by the OSG, as well as to access, object, rectify, or erase the same.

By submitting your data to the OSG, you are expressly consenting and authorizing the OSG to collect, process, and store such personal and/or sensitive personal information as may be needed in the course of your transaction/s.

In all instances, the OSG shall ensure that processing your personal data shall strictly comply with the provisions of the Data Privacy Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations and shall be consistent with the general data privacy principles of transparency, legitimate purpose, and proportionality.