Today is the 3rd of July 2024
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> PROCUREMENT > Public Sale

Disposal of Unserviceable Properties (November 2023)
Terms and Conditions.pdf
Invitation to Bid.pdf
Disposal of Unserviceable Properties (March 2023)
T&C-SBAC_January 26 2023-signed.pdf
SBAC Calendar.pdf
ITB-SBAC_January 26 2023-signed.pdf

Disposal of Unserviceable ICT Equipment and Various Office Equipment
Invitation to Bid (.pdf)
Terms and Conditions (.pdf)
Annexes (.pdf)
Disposal of Air Conditioning Units, Toners & Other Materials
Invitation to Bid (.pdf)
Terms and Conditions (.pdf)

Disposal of Toners & Other Materials
Invitation to Bid (.pdf)